A bouquet of pink, white, and blue hydrangeas  in a patterned vase on a polished surface. The bouquet's reflection is partially seen in the mirror with a rectangular frame behind them.

Hydrangeas, 1953, Oil on Canvas, Framed, 16 in x 18 in

Title: Hydrangeas
Artist: Sylvia Sleigh
Year: 1953                      
Painting: Oil on Canvas
Size: 16" x 18"  

Price on Request. For more information about Hydrangeas, please e-mail us at TheParityStore@parityproductions.org

An asymmetrical bouquet dominates the composition of Sylvia Sleigh’s Hydrangeas. The blossoms and their patterned vase, positioned atop a polished wood chiffonier, are subtly reflected in the mirror directly behind them. The rectangular frame of the mirror parallels two edges of the canvas, in marked contrast to the organic cluster of flowers.

Essay provided by Andrew Hottle © 2016-17
A letter of authenticity will be issued for each work by
Dr. Andrew D. Hottle.
© Estate of Sylvia Sleigh

For more information about The Sylvia Sleigh Endowment to Parity Productions, please email us at TheParityStore@parityproductions.org