A bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and a partially seen bust on a marble surface. The flowers and bust are reflected in the mirror behind them. The piece is marked as sold with a grey border and white text "Sold" at the bottom center.

Flowers from Irving, 1965, Oil on Canvas, Framed, 20 in x 24 in


Title: Flowers from Irving
Artist: Sylvia Sleigh
Year: 1965      
Painting: Oil on Canvas
Size: 20" x 24"

This is one of Sylvia Sleigh’s most elaborate still life compositions. The yellow chrysanthemums are placed before a mirror, which reflects the flowers, a truncated bust, and an oblique view of the faux marble tiles in her townhouse in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. The distinctive flooring appears in some of her most celebrated paintings, including The Turkish Bath (1973; David and Alfred Smart Museum, University of Chicago).

Essay provided by Andrew Hottle © 2016-17
© Estate of Sylvia Sleigh

For more information about The Sylvia Sleigh Endowment to Parity Productions, please email us at TheParityStore@parityproductions.org